
See also google scholar.


Near-optimal closed-loop method via Lyapunov damping for convex optimization (2023)

S. Maier, C. Castera, P. Ochs

Accelerated gradient dynamics on Riemannian manifolds: Faster rate and trajectory convergence (2023)

T. Natu, C. Castera, J. Fadili, P. Ochs

Published papers

Continuous Newton-like methods featuring inertia and variable mass (2024)

C. Castera, H. Attouch, J. Fadili, P. Ochs
SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT)

Inertial Newton algorithms avoiding strict saddle points (2023)

C. Castera
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA)

Second-order step-size tuning of SGD for non-convex optimization (2022)

C. Castera, J. Bolte, C. Févotte, E. Pauwels
Neural Processing Letters

An inertial Newton algorithm for deep learning (2021)

C. Castera, J. Bolte, C. Févotte, E. Pauwels
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)

PhD Thesis

Inertial and second-order optimization algorithms for training neural networks (2018-2021)

C. Castera
Defended on the 29.11.2021